Quotation Number | Description |
INF/CE/T6/2023 | Panel of Contractors for the Replacement of the Old ZINK Toilet Structures with the Waterborne Toilets within Various Wards in the Sol Plaatje Municipality |
INF/CE/T6/2023 | Panel of Contractors for the Construction and Maintenance of the Sewer and Water Reticulation Network at Phomolong Area within the Sol Plaatje Municipality |
COM/PR05/2024 | Supply and Delivery of Steel Ablution Partitioned Containers for Phutanang and Kenilworth Cemeteries |
Q033/2024/2025 | Supply and Delivery of Vehicle Spare Parts (Re-Advert) |
FIN/ICT01/2024 | Appointment of a Qualified Service Provider 24/7/365 Cybersecurity Managed, Detection and Response Service to the Municipality |
Q032/2024/2025 | Appointment of a Qualified Service Provider to Configure Microsoft Intune/Azure ARC (Re-Advert) |
Q036/2024/2025 | Overhauling of Vehicles Engines |
Q035/2024/2025 | Supply and Delivery of Rugged Smartphone Devices |
Q034/2024/2025 | Supply, Delivery and Installation of Air Conditioners |
DEV/LED04/2024 | Request for Proposals (RFP) for Event Organizing Service Provider for DIAMOND and DORINGS Musical FESTIVAL |
Q033/2024/2025 | Supply and Delivery of Vehicle Spare Parts |
Q011/2024/2025 | Service Provider to Edit, Update and Print Brouchers and Maps of Kimberley (Re-Advert) |
Q021/2024/2025 | Supply and Delivery of Portable Radios and Chargers (Re-Advert) |
Q030/2024/2025 | Security Services at CRU FLATS |
Q029/2024/2025 | Supply, Delivery and Installation of New Tyres for Front End Loader |
Q028/2024/2025 | Construction of a 78M Site Boundary Wall at Matlalo Housing Section |
Q019/2024/2025 | Service Provider to Provide ARUBA OS-CX Switching Fundamentals Training and Fortinet NSE 4 Training (E-Advert) |
Q027/2024/2025 | Sol Plaatje Requires the Services of an Event – Organizing Company |
FIN/REV04/2024 | Provision for 24-Hour Manned Guarding and Patrol Services of Cashier Service Centres |
BFI01/24/MBPS | Manufacture, Supply and Delivery of Bulk 1200 ND Steel Pipeline Material for Projects |
Q026/2024/2025 | Supply and Delivery of Motif Lights |
Q025/2024/2025 | Service Provider to Conduct Training for SHE REPRESENTATIVE and Conduct a RISK ASSESMENT Training |
Q011/2024/2025 | Service Provider to Edit, Update and Print Brochures and Maps of Kimberley (Re-Advert) |
Q006/2024/2025 | Supply, Delivery and Installation of Solar Powered Lights (Re-Advert) |
Q024/2024/2025 | Supply and Install 24 Core Aerial from Civic Centre to City Hall |
Q023/2024/2025 | Supply and Delivery of Network Attached Storage (NAS) |
Q022/2024/2025 | Refurbishment of Flat at CRU3 |
BFI01/23/MWTWSC2 | Riverton New Water Treatment Works Refurbishment of the New Plants Filters Clarifiers Backwash System and Washwater Recovery System |
Q018/2024/2025 | Construct Concrete Slab at Kenilworth & Phutanang Cemeteries for the Steel Containers Ablution Blocks |
INF/CEE13/2024 | Triennial Contract for the Supply and Delivery of Various Electrical Material |
Q020/2024/2025 | Appointment of an Auctioneer to Auction off Certain Municipal Redundant Vechicles |
BFI01/23/E1SC5 | Emergency Leak Repairs at Newton Reservoir Complex (Priority Leaks Only) |
BFI01/23/MKRP1 B | Kimberley Prioritized Network Leak Detection and Repair (Phase 2) |
BFI01/23/E2PSP1-B | Security Management Newton Reservoir OHS and Security Management |
BFI01/23/MKRP1A | Kimberley Prioritized Leak Detection and Repair (Phase 1) |
BFI01/23/E2PSP1A | Riverton WTW Security and Access Control |
Q015/2024/2025 | Cleaning and Removal of Vegetation from the Thlageng Stormwater Channel |
Q017/2024/2025 | Acquire the Services of a Qualified Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Service Provider to Conduct a Detailed Technical Assessment of the Kimberley Vintage Tram Cart |
INF/CEE08/2024 | Triennial Contract for the Supply and Delivery of 11KV/400-23 Volt Distribution Transformers |
INF/CEE02/2024 | Triennial Contract for the Manufacture, Supply and Delivery of Medium Voltage Indoor ARC Indoor Proof Air Insulated Switchgear |
Q016/2024/2025 | Preliminary Studies for Installation of Services (ROADS, STORMWATER, WATER AND SEWER) in Southridge |
Q011/2024/2025 | Service Provider to Edit, Update and Print Brochures and Maps of Kimberley (Re-Advert) |
Q0113/2024/2025 | Rendering Physical Security Service at Sol Plaatje Fresh Produce Market |
Q009/2024/2025 | Supply and Delivery of Notebooks |
Q008/2024/2025 | Supply , Delivery and Installation of Mult-Functional Colour Printer |
Q001/2024/2025 | Desktop Review of the Annual Financial Statements 2023/2024 |
Q004/2024/2025 | Service Provider to Facilitate for Infrastructure Skills Development Grant Planning Candidates |
Q003/2024/2025 | Supply and Delivery of a Cross-Sectional Burst on the Sewer Pipeline |
Q002/2024/2025 | Service Provider to Provide Venue Facilities for Workshop |
Q001/2024/2025 | Desktop Review of the Annual Financial Statements 2023/2024 |