
Back To Basics(B2B)

The municipality is on a drive to improve core revenue processes, systems, data quality and overall service delivery machinery. Part of this renewal entails looking at 4th industrial revolution solutions to:

•          Enhance customers experience

•          Create interactive platforms

•          Be responsive to customers’ needs through IT platforms

As part of continuous business improvement initiatives, the municipality has introduced the following as part of its value proposition towards data quality:

•          An email address for submission of owner reader submission;     


•          A portal on municipal website for submission of owner reader readings

•          A platform on website for updating customer data

We urge customers to make use of these platforms to assist in ensuring accurate verifiable customer data and readings. This option for owners to submit their own reading including photos of the meters is subject to municipal officials gaining access every 3rd month for verification.

All electricity meter belonging to the municipality MUST be read by 31 January 2024…

If no access is gained for 3 consecutive months, the municipality shall move the meter or install a prepaid meter at the owners’ cost.

According to the Customer Care, Credit Control and Debt Collection Policy the owner/occupier of a property must allow a meter reader of the municipality access to the property to read, install, inspect, relocate or repair any meter.

Business Hours

Monday to Friday: 07:45 till 16:30

Saturday: 08:00 till 12:00

Lunch Time: 12:45 till 13:30

Cashiers, Water & Lights, Enquiries, Debt Control: Skeleton Staff during lunch